Office of the Mayor, City of Philadelphia


Mayor Watkins Announces Emergency Measures in Response to Philly Phreaks Attack

PHILADELPHIA, PA – In the wake of the devastating terrorist attack carried out by the group known as the “Philly Phreaks,” Mayor Lena Watkins has declared a citywide state of emergency and announced a series of measures to ensure public safety and maintain order.

“The attack on our city was a cowardly act of terrorism that has left us all shaken,” Mayor Watkins said in a statement. “Our hearts go out to the victims and their families. As we mourn those we have lost and support those who are recovering, we must also take decisive action to protect our city and prevent further attacks.”

Effective immediately, a mandatory curfew is in place for minors under the age of 18 from 9:00 PM to 6:00 AM daily, and for adults from 11:00 PM to 6:00 AM daily. During these hours, all residents are required to remain in their homes, and all businesses must be closed. Exemptions apply only to emergency services, authorized government personnel, and approved essential workers. The curfew is expected to remain in place for the following month before being re-examined for efficacy.

The Philadelphia Police Department, working with state and federal agencies, will increase patrols and checkpoints throughout the city. The National Guard has also been requested to assist in maintaining order and securing critical infrastructure. All public gatherings, events, and meetings are suspended until further notice, and non-essential travel into and out of the city is strongly discouraged.

“We understand that these measures will cause disruption and inconvenience, particularly with the beginning of a new school year,” Mayor Watkins acknowledged, “but they are necessary to keep our city safe. We are resilient, and we will get through this together.”

The Mayor also announced that the Philadelphia Superhuman Response Unit will be working closely with the Delaware Valley Defenders and other registered superhuman teams to investigate the attack, apprehend those responsible, and prevent future incidents.

While three of the four Philly Phreaks have been apprehended, Elias Franklin, known as “Chimera,” remains at large and is suspected to be the mastermind behind the attacks. A multi-state manhunt is underway to bring Franklin to justice.

“The nature and scale of this attack suggest that the Philly Phreaks may be part of a larger terrorist organization with a broader ideological agenda,” Mayor Watkins stated. “We are committed to investigating any potential connections and gathering intelligence to prevent future attacks.”

In response to the Philly Phreaks’ use of the superpower-granting drug known as “Jump” in the attack, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has expedited the emergency scheduling of the substance. Jump is now classified as a Schedule I drug, and its manufacture, distribution, possession, and use are federal crimes subject to severe penalties.

“To those who perpetrated this heinous act and those who support them, let me be clear: we will find you, and we will bring you to justice,” Mayor Watkins declared. “Philadelphia will not be intimidated by violence and hate.”

Further updates will be provided as the situation develops. Residents are encouraged to stay informed through official city channels and to report any suspicious activity to the authorities.

Media Contact:
Geoffrey Silverberg
Press Secretary, Office of the Mayor

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