PERKS Assessment: Samantha Small

I. Power Classification
Gigant: Enhanced Bite Force
Code: G3/S/P/T
Rationale: Samantha demonstrates a significantly enhanced bite force, able to exert high pressure and shear through metal objects with her bite. While extremely effective, its short range limits its overall power rating. This power affects herself (S), is physical in nature (P), and operates at a touch range (T).

Gigant: Anomalous Tooth Growth
Code: G5/S/P/T
Rationale: Initially regarded as a separate aspect of her primary power (categorized under “Shark-Like Biology”), Samantha’s ability to regrow teeth has developed additional nuances. Medical reports have indicated that she is capable of rapidly growing teeth out of any part of her body, including internal organs, and pushing them to the surface of her body to utilize as improvised weapons or for other utility purposes. Additionally, her body generates teeth on its own and attempts to ‘bite’ onto sources of penetrating or slashing trauma via muscular tensing, adding a layer of passive defenses. This power affects herself (S), is physical in nature (P), and operates at a touch range (T).

Brain: Blood Sense
Code: B3/SON/P/B
Rationale: Samantha’s “Blood Sense” ability falls under the Brain category. This allows her to sense the approximate location of freshly spilled blood and visualize the vascular system of bleeding individuals. This power, while requiring airborne exposure for blood cells to be traced, operates separately from her sense of smell, and is instead a form of extrasensory perception. It is a personal (S), other (O), and non-sentient (N) ability, that is physical (P) in nature, with a block range (B).

Gigant: Injury-Fueled Regeneration
Code: G6/S/P/T
Rationale: Samantha’s regenerative ability has become more defined over time based on information acquired by the NSRA and provided to the PPD. Samantha’s regenerative factor, while initially possessing a very modest baseline of 4x for minor injuries, increases in efficacy in proportion to the severity of injuries received, up to an observed cap of approximately 25-35x. Acquired documents also indicate a possible secondary or secondary and tertiary factors that influence regeneration speed, but the nature of these possible additional factors is currently unknown. This power is personal (S), physical in nature (P), and operates at a touch range (T).

II. Power Ranking
Samantha’s powers demonstrate high combat potential, especially with her unique regenerative ability and anomalous tooth growth. While individually, each power is somewhat modest compared to the typical ‘bruiser’ profile, as a compilation of powers, they magnify each other’s effectiveness. While not a superpower in itself, Samantha’s abnormally high pain tolerance and willingness to self-injure allows her to utilize these powers to their fullest extent.

III. Control Rating
Control remains strong at 7/10, with proficient management of her biting and blood sense abilities, and growing understanding of her regeneration. There are no noted records indicating that Samantha receives any sort of sensory overload from her blood sense, and her newfound ability to generate teeth appears to be second nature to her.

IV. Hostility Rating
Hostility has been updated to 2/10 from reports from the NSRA indicating an unwillingness to cooperate with authority figures when handling perceived “injustices” or “unfair situations”. While the PPD is unconcerned with these behavior patterns, the NSRA has indicated it as a risk factor to be considered when taking into account Samantha’s threat level.

V. Collateral Damage
Potential Collateral damage potential remains ranked at 1/10. Despite their development, Samantha’s powers possess little potential for significant property damage or loss of life under normal circumstances.

VI. Overall Threat Level
Samantha’s overall threat level has increased significantly due to her enhanced abilities, acquisition of detective equipment and classified information, uncooperative behavior with NSRA agents, and solo takedown of Chernobyl. She is now classified as a superhuman of national interest. The combination of her abilities’ natural synergy with each other, her self-destructive combat style, and her intense investigatory drive allows her to ‘punch above her weight class’ in terms of threat level. Samantha has survived encounters with numerous adult criminals and superhumans, including those armed with firearms, and, with medical support, has absorbed lethal dosages of radiation that would have (and has) killed significantly stronger, older, and heavier superhumans. Samantha is assigned an overall threat level of 6/10.


  • File has been updated prematurely at the behest of Agents Miguel Torres and Sarah Jennings, from the NSRA. While highly unusual, they do possess the authority to request updates, and provided us with several informative pieces of documentation acquired with permission of Samantha’s guardians.
  • Updated information has not altered Samantha’s JLUMA status. Assuming she does not engage in any criminal activities, I do not intend to deny the approval of her JLUMA when she comes in for the annual review in August. If anything, despite the requested increase in threat level, I think Samantha has more than earned her JLUMA, more than anyone else who comes in through this office.

This PERKS Assessment is to be updated as further information is gathered and understood. Unauthorized dissemination of this document may result in penalty under the U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 798.

Interviewing Officer: William H. Gold
Date: February 22nd, 2024

Civilian Clerk: Amber Peterson
Date: February 22nd, 2024

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