About & Table of Contents

Chum is a story about superheroes, supervillains, people with powers who reject either label, sharks, fishing, Philadelphia, the Jersey Shore but the part that’s full of old Jewish people and not party people, how growing up sucks, how authority sucks, how fascists suck, cancer, and teeth.

General content warning for violence, drugs, and general other dramatic things that you might expect to see in a story written for adults. Do not let the fact that the main character starts as a teenager fool you. It will get messy. It will get darker. People will die. Weed will be smoked. Romances will be had.

Begin reading Chum with the first chapter here. If that link is hard for you to click, here is the full URL: https://chumstory.wordpress.com/2023/07/05/1/. If you’d prefer, you can also read it on the RoyalRoad mirror, which can be found here, or at the following URL: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/71347/chum

There is now a Chum TvTropes Page and Chum Wiki (be wary of spoilers!) that could use some TLC. Feel free to contribute, if desired.

Table of Contents


Superhuman Entity Reports

World of Chum (Background Information)

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Comments, feedback, theorizing, speculation, questions, etc. are all greatly appreciated. Additionally, if you enjoy Chum and would like to offer your financial support, you can find my Patreon at https://patreon.com/bearsharktopus, or donate a one-time donation at https://paypal.me/bstdev.