Professional Asset Dossier – Blake “Mr. Tyrannosaur” Matthews

Professional Asset Dossier – Blake Alexander Matthews

Personal Information:

  • Real Name: Blake Alexander Matthews
  • Known Aliases: “Rex Rampage”, “The Dino-Man of Trenton”, “Rexanon”
  • Date of Birth: April 3, 1989
  • Age: 33 (as of 2022)
  • Place of Birth: Trenton, New Jersey
  • Family Background: Only child of Sarah Matthews (née Anderson), a local librarian, and Peter Matthews, a warehouse supervisor.
  • Current Status: Unemployed

Educational Background:

  • Attended: Trenton Central High School (graduated in 2007)
  • Additional Training: Certified in basic first aid and CPR; attended various self-defense workshops.

Professional and Occupational Background:

  • 2007-2008: Gym Assistant at Trenton Fitness Center, Trenton, NJ. Assisted in equipment maintenance and customer guidance.
  • 2008-2010: Freelance Landscaping and Construction Work. Involved in various manual labor jobs around Trenton.
  • 2010-2013: Security Personnel at local bars and clubs. Utilized size and presence for crowd control and conflict resolution.
  • 2013-2016: Independent Contractor for Demolition and Heavy Machinery Operation. Involved in several local demolition projects with mixed results due to lack of control over transformation ability.
  • 2016-2022: Enforcer for various criminal organizations under the alias “Rex Rampage”. Known for straightforward and forceful methods in underworld dealings.
  • 2018: Short-term engagement as a Personal Trainer at Powerhouse Gym, Trenton, NJ. The role was terminated due to difficulty adhering to regular schedules and gym etiquette.
  • 2019: Participated in underground fighting circuits. Briefly gained notoriety for his formidable presence but left due to the unregulated nature of the events.
  • 2020: Hired as a private security contractor for a local business. The contract was not renewed due to his transformation ability causing unintended property damage during a security incident.
  • 2021: Worked as a construction consultant for high-risk demolition projects, offering unique solutions with his transformation ability. However, inconsistent control over his powers led to limited success in this field.

Notable Skills:

  • Strength and Endurance: Exceptional physical strength and endurance, capable of handling physically demanding tasks for extended periods.
  • Intimidation: Natural ability to intimidate others, both in human and Tyrannosaurus form, often used to assert control or dominance in conflict situations.
  • Hand-to-Hand Combat: Basic training in hand-to-hand combat, honed through participation in underground fighting circuits and various security roles.
  • Adaptability: Demonstrated ability to adapt to diverse and challenging environments, especially in high-pressure or combat situations.

Professional References:

  • Jerry Collins, Former Manager at Powerhouse Gym: “Blake was an imposing presence, certainly drew attention. His work ethic was strong, but he struggled with the structured environment here.”
  • Sam Peterson, Former Boxing Trainer: “He was a crowd favorite, knew how to put on a show. His fights were always a big draw.”
  • Danny Alvarez, Former Client for Construction Consulting: “His unconventional approach was effective at times, but unpredictability was a concern. He did have a unique perspective on demolition work.”

Online Presence:

  • Minimal pre-Activation outside of local community forums. Afterwards, began anonymously frequenting paleontology forums and chatrooms, although easily picked out of the crowd due to poor spelling and singleminded focus on speculative questions regarding Tyrannosaurus rex biology – referred to by others as ‘Rexanon’.

Criminal Record:

  • 2010: Arrested for disorderly conduct following a bar brawl. Charges were dropped due to lack of evidence.
  • 2012: Fined for property damage during an unauthorized demolition project.
  • 2014: Arrested for participating in an illegal underground fighting ring. Received a suspended sentence.
  • 2017: Charged with assault and battery during an enforcer job. Pleaded down to a misdemeanor with community service.
  • 2019: Arrested for trespassing and vandalism while working as hired muscle for a local gang.
  • 2021: Detained for public disturbance in his Tyrannosaurus form. No formal charges filed.


  • Observational Data:
    • Physique: Blake’s physique is notably muscular and robust, a likely result of his physically demanding roles and transformation ability. His large build and muscular definition are consistent with someone who engages in regular strength training and physical activities.
    • Injuries: There are occasional reports of minor injuries typical of physical altercations and heavy manual labor, but nothing chronic or debilitating. His transformation ability may contribute to rapid healing or reduced injury severity.
    • Physical Activity: Blake’s participation in underground fighting and security roles indicates a high level of physical fitness, agility, and endurance.
  • Third-Party Accounts:
    • Colleagues from his gym and underground fighting circuit note his exceptional physical prowess and endurance.
    • Former employers in construction and demolition have mentioned his ability to handle heavy physical work with relative ease.
  • Mental Health:
    • Blake’s behavior suggests a preference for physical expression over verbal communication, possibly indicative of limited coping mechanisms for emotional and psychological stress.
    • Known to display bursts of anger or frustration, particularly in situations where he feels underestimated or disrespected. Responds poorly to feelings of being minimized or dismissed.
    • There are no clear indications of formal mental health diagnoses, but his lifestyle and background suggest potential for unresolved emotional issues, possibly related to his transformation ability and the challenges it brings.
    • His social interactions and career choices might hint at a need for control and a struggle with self-image, likely stemming from his early life experiences and the drastic nature of his powers.

Superhuman Abilities:

  • Description of Powers:
    • Core Ability: Blake possesses the extraordinary ability to transform into a biologically accurate Tyrannosaurus rex. This transformation includes anatomical features such as downy feathers, lip structures, near-vestigial arms, and a significant layer of body fat, reflecting recent paleontological findings. Interestingly, reports indicate that Blake possessed these features even before they became widely known to be accurate, indicating that his transformation is not based on his perception of a Tyrannosaurus rex but, in fact, a genuine specimen.
    • Transformation Process: The transformation takes approximately 5 seconds, during which Blake emits a burst of superheated steam. This is hypothesized to be a byproduct of the rapid mass shift. Clothing and personal effects are temporarily stored in an extradimensional space during the transformation, while his body rapidly grows/shrinks and restructures itself.
  • Limitations and Conditions:
    • Injury Scaling: Injuries are proportionally scaled between his human and Tyrannosaurus forms. A minor injury in human form can become significant in Tyrannosaurus form, and vice versa.
    • Physical Capabilities: In his Tyrannosaurus form, Blake possesses all the natural abilities of the species, including immense strength, the ability to bite through metal and substantial structures, and high top speed.
    • Cognitive Continuity: While transformed, Blake retains his human cognition but lacks the ability to communicate verbally.
    • Transformation Fatigue: Repeated transformations in quick succession can be physically draining for Blake, although he is capable of performing them frequently if needed.


  • Rationale for Recommendation: Blake’s ability to transform into a Tyrannosaurus rex, combined with his physical prowess and experience in various enforcement roles, makes him an ideal candidate for the recently vacated “Mr./Mrs. T” position (perhaps “Mr. Tyrannosaurus”?). His transformation provides a significant tactical advantage in situations requiring sheer physical power, intimidation, and impact.
  • Potential for Asset Development: With appropriate guidance and training, Blake could refine his control over his transformation ability, increasing its effectiveness and reducing the physical strain. His skills in physical combat and intimidation could be further developed to enhance his role within the organization.
  • Ease of Recruitment: Blake’s background and the nature of his abilities suggest he may feel alienated from conventional society, making him more open to joining an organization where his unique powers are valued. The structure and purpose provided by the Kingdom, along with the potential for belonging to a group that understands and values his metahuman abilities, would likely be significant motivators for him.

This dossier is a comprehensive report, including data gathered from direct observations, interviews, and public records, tailored to evaluate Mr. Blake Matthews’s potential for recruitment.

For copies of acquired documentation, transcribed interviews, and observational notes, please contact Mrs. Ashley Thompson at Thompson & Sons, P.C., account ID 499-4019, document IDs 1836 through 1972.

This document and associated documents have been watermarked and embedded with an explosive tracker, courtesy of Mr. B. Movement of this document into unauthorized locations or structures, or movement via unauthorized individuals, will result in detonation.

-Mr. E

-Mr. C

5 responses to “Professional Asset Dossier – Blake “Mr. Tyrannosaur” Matthews”

  1. It’s powers like this that leave me wondering how the hell the method of choosing/getting powers works. Jordan got locked in the trunk of a car and got the ability to expand space: sure. Jamila was on a plane that nearly fell out of the sky and got wind powers, OK. Sam got shark powers from getting disemboweled by the propeller of a boat; kind of makes sense, but then doesn’t really because presumably there weren’t any sharks around- regeneration, sure, but why would her power focus on sharks when there were none present? But Mr T? What the hell kind of situation was he in where the power he needed was to turn into a T-Rex? Makes me wonder if someone out there has a way of giving people powers, because that just makes no sense.


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