Professional Asset Dossier – Evan “Mudslide” Williams

Professional Asset Dossier – Evan Thomas Williams

Personal Information:

  • Real Name: Evan Thomas Williams
  • Known Aliases: “Mudslide”, “Bills”, “Evvie”
  • Date of Birth: May 14, 1989
  • Age: 34
  • Place of Birth: Camden, New Jersey
  • Family Background: Son of Elise Williams (née Johnson), a school teacher, and Peter Williams, a former steelworker.
  • Current Status: Incarcerated, pending trial

Educational Background:

  • Attended: Camden High School (dropped out in 2007 during senior year, no GED acquired)

Professional and Occupational Background:

  • 2007-2010: Construction Worker at Dynamic Constructions, Camden, NJ. Specialized in demolition and concrete work.
  • 2010-2013: Sanitation Worker with Camden City Sanitation Department.
  • 2013-2015: Factory Worker at Camden Metal Works.
  • 2015-2018: Demolition Specialist at Urban Renewal Demolition Services.
  • 2018-2023: Officially unemployed, but works ‘under the table’ for Urban Renewal Demolition Services following an undisclosed HR incident. Additionally, works ‘odd jobs’ around the neighborhood, and is paid for services as a bouncer at local bars.

Notable Skills:

  • Urban Exploration: Extensive experience navigating through complex urban environments, including abandoned buildings and construction sites.
  • Demolition Expertise: Skilled in various demolition techniques, understanding structural weak points, and efficient deconstruction of buildings.
  • Night Vision: Although it is unknown if it is a side-effect of his activation or not, Evan has been noted by several colleagues and family members to have exceptional night vision as well as a mild light sensitivity, especially bright lights and direct sunlight.
  • Mechanical Engineering Expertise: Skilled with rapid assembly and disassembly of mechanical components, particularly vehicles and industrial components. Works on a motorcycle in his spare time.
  • Upper Body Strength: Significantly above-average for his weight class, despite moderate obesity.

Professional References:

  • Mark Donovan, Former Supervisor at Dynamic Constructions: “Evan was a solid worker, knew his way around a construction site like the back of his hand. He was the go-to guy for any tough demolition job.”
  • Linda Hartley, Camden City Sanitation Department: “He was reliable, always did his job without complaint. Kept to himself mostly, but was friendly enough.”
  • Thomas King, Manager at Camden Metal Works: “Evan was quiet but efficient. He had a knack for understanding machinery and could fix almost anything we threw at him.”

Online Presence:

  • Minimal online footprint. Occasional posts on urban exploration forums under various pseudonyms.

Criminal Record:

  • 2019: Brief jail term for involvement in a bar fight over an unpaid debt.
  • 2023: Arrested for a robbery attempt as “Mudslide”, currently incarcerated.


  • Observational Data:
    • Physique: Evan is observed to have a robust and sturdy build, likely a result of his labor-intensive occupational history. His work in construction, demolition, and sanitation suggests a high level of physical fitness and endurance.
    • Injuries: There have been no visible signs of chronic injuries or disabilities. However, the nature of his work could suggest the possibility of common musculoskeletal strains or minor injuries typical in physically demanding jobs.
    • Physical Activity: Evan is known to participate in local demolition derbies, indicating a level of physical agility and robustness. His urban exploration hobby also suggests good mobility and a degree of physical dexterity.
  • Third-Party Accounts:
    • Co-workers from his demolition and construction jobs have mentioned Evan’s capability to handle physically demanding tasks without significant strain.
    • Acquaintances from local bars and community events have observed him engaging in occasional physical altercations, handling himself competently, which implies a level of physical resilience.
  • Mental Health:
    • Evan’s demeanor often reflects a sense of isolation and introversion. He appears to be a loner, preferring solitary activities like urban exploration.
    • Evan’s history of engaging in high-risk activities, such as urban exploration and demolition work, may point to a tendency towards thrill-seeking or a need to combat feelings of inadequacy.
    • Former employers and colleagues speak to a pattern of solitary behavior and occasional mood swings.
    • Community members familiar with Evan hint at a possible history of depression, citing his often somber demeanor and lack of close relationships.
    • Financial reports indicate an addiction-prone personality, with frequent purchases of lottery tickets and cigarettes, as well as frequent visits to local casinos.
    • Given his past negative experiences with law enforcement and the justice system, Evan likely harbors a deep-seated resentment towards authority figures.
    • Evan demonstrates a pronounced inferiority complex, likely rooted in his socioeconomic background and a history marked by unstable employment.

Superhuman Abilities:

  • Description of Powers:
    • Core Ability: Evan possesses the unique ability to liquefy solid surfaces and objects. This power is activated through physical contact, typically via his feet, although it can emanate from any point of contact on his body.
    • Operational Mechanism: The activation of his powers requires specific hand gestures, mental concentration, physical exertion, and contact with a surface contiguous with the desired surface. These gestures serve as a focal point for channeling his ability, allowing him to manipulate the solid state of materials he is in contact with. This ability can function through clothing, such as shoes and gloves.
  • Limitations and Conditions:
    • Direct Contact Requirement: Evan must be in physical contact with the material he wishes to liquefy. This condition limits the range of his powers to his immediate environment.
    • Exclusion of Living Matter and Pre-Liquefied Materials: His powers do not extend to living organisms or materials already in a liquid or semi-liquid state, such as mud, water, blood, or silt. This limitation restricts his ability to affect only solid, non-living materials.
    • Ineffectiveness on Loose Surfaces: His powers are ineffective on particularly loose surfaces like sand or dusty dirt. This limitation suggests a threshold of cohesion necessary for his powers to work.
    • Ejection of Partially Buried Individuals: Current observations indicate an involuntary ‘ejection’ effect on individuals who are not completely submerged in the liquefied material. This phenomenon might prevent the ability to ‘bury someone alive’, although this aspect requires further exploration to fully understand.


  • Rationale for Recommendation: Evan’s unique metahuman ability to liquefy solid materials makes him a prime candidate for the recently vacated “Mr./Mrs. M” position. His background in demolition and urban exploration complements his powers, offering tactical advantages in various scenarios, from infiltration to sabotage.
  • Potential for Asset Development: With focused training and development, Evan’s powers can be honed for more precise and large-scale operations. His current limitations, such as the need for direct contact and visibility, could be mitigated through technological aids, training, and strategic planning.
  • Ease of Recruitment: Given his socioeconomic background, a sense of unfulfillment in his current life, and his need for a sense of belonging, Evan is likely to be receptive to recruitment efforts. Financial incentives, coupled with the promise of a purposeful role within the organization, are likely to be effective motivators.

This dossier is a comprehensive report, including data gathered from direct observations, interviews, and public records, tailored to evaluate Mr. Evan William’s potential for recruitment.

For copies of acquired documentation, transcribed interviews, and observational notes, please contact Mrs. Ashley Thompson at Thompson & Sons, P.C., account ID 499-4019, document IDs 2031 through 2148.

This document and associated documents have been watermarked and embedded with an explosive tracker, courtesy of Mr. B. Movement of this document into unauthorized locations or structures, or movement via unauthorized individuals, will result in detonation.

-Mr. E

-Mr. C

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