Superhuman Entity Report: Jason “Rampart” Reynolds

PERKS Assessment: Jason Reynolds (Rampart)
Classified Level: Confidential
Date: June 2023

I. Power Classification

Filch: Kinetic Impact Nullification
Code: F8/S/P/T
Rationale: Jason Reynolds, known as Rampart, exhibits a unique Filch ability focused on the nullification of kinetic impacts. His power allows him to selectively negate any kinetic force directed at him that he is aware of, such as punches or bullets. This negation channels the kinetic energy away, usually into the ground, rendering the impacts harmless. The power is self-affecting (S), physical (P), and operates at touch range (T), though the actual negation of kinetic energy occurs at the point of impact.

II. Power Ranking
Rampart’s ability to negate kinetic impacts is highly effective, particularly in combat scenarios. The selective nature of his power, relying on his awareness, makes it a formidable defensive mechanism against physical attacks.

III. Control Rating
Control: 8/10
Rampart has shown significant control over his ability, with the primary limitation being his need to be aware of incoming attacks. His skill in anticipating and reacting to threats enhances his effective use of this power.

IV. Hostility Rating
Hostility: 1/10
As a member of the Young Defenders, Rampart has consistently demonstrated a protective and defensive approach. His use of powers is predominantly non-aggressive, focusing on defense and the safety of others.

V. Collateral Damage Potential
Collateral Damage: 3/10
While his power is primarily defensive, the redirection of kinetic energy into surrounding environments, typically the ground, could potentially cause minor environmental disturbances. However, there have been no significant instances of collateral damage in his operational history.

VI. Overall Threat Level
Threat Level: 4/10
Considering his high power ranking and control, along with his low hostility and minimal collateral damage potential, Rampart is assigned a moderate overall threat level. His defensive abilities make him a valuable asset in field operations, with a primary focus on protection and harm reduction.

PERKS Assessment Comments for Jason Reynolds (Rampart)

Officer’s Comments: Jason, newly powered and adapting to his abilities, showed initial disappointment at being unable to continue sports due to fairness concerns. Despite this, his enthusiasm about the prospect of becoming a superhero was palpable. JLUMA approved.
-Officer Martinez

Officer’s Comments: Jason joined the Young Defenders this year and is acclimating well to the team. His eagerness to learn and contribute is noteworthy. He has shown a keen interest in the defensive aspects of his powers, often protecting teammates during field operations. His ability to remain unharmed from physical attacks makes him an invaluable asset in confrontations.
-Officer Martinez

Officer’s Comments: Rampart’s role within the Young Defenders has solidified. He’s increasingly viewed as a reliable protector, often positioned as the team’s front line in hazardous situations. There’s a noticeable shift towards a more stoic demeanor, possibly as he matures and fully grasps the responsibilities of his role. He continues to show excellent control and situational awareness of his powers.
-Officer Martinez

Officer’s Comments: Jason has become more introspective this year, reflecting a deeper understanding of his role as a superhero. His dedication to training and mastering his abilities is commendable. He has shown remarkable skill in using his power in more complex scenarios, effectively neutralizing diverse threats while minimizing risk to bystanders.
-Officer Martinez

Officer’s Comments: Now a veteran member of the Young Defenders, Jason has continued to develop both his abilities and his approach to heroism. His stoicism has matured into a calm, composed demeanor, especially in crisis situations. His ability to instinctively protect himself and others from harm has been crucial in numerous operations. He’s a valued and respected member of the team, known for his reliability and protective nature.
-Officer Martinez

Interviewing Officer: Elena Martinez
Date: June 23rd, 2023

Civilian Clerk: Jennifer Lang
Date: June 23rd, 2023

Confidential Report: Power Assessment of Jason Reynolds (Rampart)
Assessment Agent: Dr. Leonard Harris
Date: June 24, 2023

I. Introduction:
This report offers an in-depth analysis of the superhuman abilities of Jason Reynolds, known as Rampart, a member of the Young Defenders. The primary focus is on understanding the dynamics, limitations, and practical applications of his kinetic impact nullification ability.

II. Power Overview:
Jason possesses a unique Filch power, enabling him to nullify any kinetic impact he is aware of and transfer the kinetic energy to nearby surfaces, thereby preventing his own physical harm from such impacts.

III. Mechanics and Functionalities:

  1. Response to Different Magnitudes of Force: Jason’s power nullifies a broad spectrum of kinetic forces, from light impacts to high-velocity projectiles, with no observed upper limit in the magnitude of force he can nullify. All available laboratory equipment has been maxed out – permission to acquire larger impacting devices is yet to be acquired.
  2. Threshold of Force: Laboratory tests have yet to find an upper threshold; his power appears to nullify any kinetic impact, provided he is aware of it.
  3. Influence of Awareness: His power activation is contingent on his awareness. He must consciously acknowledge an incoming threat for the nullification to occur.
  4. Minimum Reaction Time: Jason requires a fraction of a second to react and activate his power, necessitating awareness of the incoming impact. His reaction time is within human norms, at around 220 ms.
  5. Response to Unseen Attacks: His power does not activate against attacks from his blind spots or those he is not aware of.

IV. Limitations:

  1. Selective Nullification: Jason can selectively nullify impacts but doing so in complex scenarios with multiple threats can be mentally taxing and challenging.
  2. Physical and Mental Strain: Extended use of his power induces mental strain but not physical fatigue. Mental fatigue can reduce his effectiveness or reaction time in prolonged engagements.
  3. Environmental Impact: The nullified kinetic energy is harmlessly dispersed into the nearest large mass, typically the ground. In the event that Jason is airborne, the kinetic energy is sent through the air, occasionally resulting in a mild gust.
  4. Overwhelmed by Rapid Successive Impacts: Rapid, successive impacts, particularly from multiple directions, can overwhelm his ability, mainly if they come from unseen angles or exceed his reaction capacity. It seems that the limit is not frequency, but ability to remain aware and undistracted.

V. Tactical Applications:

  1. Combat and Defense: Jason excels in defensive roles, capable of protecting himself and others from physical harm. His nullification ability makes him a valuable asset in frontline scenarios.
  2. Disaster Protection: Jason is an exceptional asset in disaster response, capable of handling many types of environmental threats, including extreme wind forces, collapsing objects from earthquakes, or debris during storms.
  3. Vulnerabilities: Jason is susceptible to non-kinetic attacks, such as extreme temperatures, energy-based assaults, or airway obstructions. Surprise and multi-directional attacks are also potential vulnerabilities.

VI. Recommendations:

  1. Training in Awareness and Reaction: Enhance situational awareness and reaction training to improve response to surprise and multi-directional attacks.
  2. Mental Resilience Training: Develop techniques to mitigate mental strain and fatigue resulting from prolonged use of his abilities.
  3. Collaborative Strategies: Foster team-based tactics that complement and cover his vulnerabilities, particularly against non-kinetic threats.

VII. Conclusion:
Jason Reynolds’ kinetic impact nullification ability is a potent defensive tool, providing substantial protective capabilities in various operational scenarios. While there are inherent limitations, particularly related to his need for awareness and susceptibility to non-kinetic attacks, his current skill level and potential for further development make him a valuable member of the Young Defenders.

Dr. Leonard Harris
Specialist in Metahuman Power Assessment for the National Superhuman Response Agency

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