Superhuman Entity Report: Jamila “Gale” Fayad

PERKS Assessment: Jamila Fayad (Gale)
Classified Level: Confidential
Date: April 2023

I. Power Classification

Employ (E): Wind Control
Code: E4/E/P/B
Rationale: Gale exhibits the ability to control and manipulate wind. Her power is categorized under ‘Employ’ as it augments and manipulates the existing air movement. She requires initial wind movement, which she can then amplify. Gale’s hand fan is often used to initiate this movement. The ability affects the environment (E), is physical in nature (P), and operates within a block-sized radius (B).

II. Power Ranking
Gale’s wind control is rated E4, indicating a moderate level of power. She can manipulate wind currents effectively within her vicinity, allowing for various tactical uses, including creating gusts for diversion, enhancing her movement, or disrupting opponents.

III. Control Rating
Control: 6/10
Gale demonstrates a high level of control over her wind manipulation, able to finely tune the intensity and direction of wind currents, with points deducted due to the naturally imprecise nature of wind control.

IV. Hostility Rating
Hostility: 1/10
Gale shows a low level of hostility, employing her powers primarily for defensive and strategic purposes. Her actions consistently aim to protect and assist rather than harm.

V. Collateral Damage Potential
Collateral Damage: 5/10
While Gale’s wind control is precise, the nature of manipulating air currents can sometimes lead to unintended effects on the surroundings, such as displacing objects, affecting bystanders, or generating debris at higher speeds. However, her control generally minimizes such risks.

VI. Overall Threat Level
Threat Level: 4/10
Considering Gale’s moderate power level, moderate control, low hostility, and average collateral damage potential, she is assigned a low overall threat level. Her responsible and tactical use of powers makes her a valuable asset to the Young Defenders with minimal risk to public safety.

JLUMA Flight Addendum: Gale (Jamila Fayad)

  • Certification Date: March 2023
  • Certification Authority: National Superhuman Response Agency (NSRA)
  • Flight Proficiency Level: Basic

Conditions and Limitations:

  • Altitude Limit: 30 feet above nearest horizontal surface.
  • Flight Zone: Adheres to designated areas, avoiding restricted airspace.
  • Emergency Protocol: Mandatory compliance with emergency directives.
  • Curfew: Flight restricted to daylight hours.

Certification Status:

  • Gale (Jamila Fayad) has successfully passed the requisite VFR examinations and demonstrated adequate proficiency in basic airspace awareness, emergency response protocols, and flight etiquette.
  • This addendum authorizes Gale to utilize her flight capabilities within the parameters established for juveniles under the LUMA framework.

PERKS Assessment Comments for Jamila Fayad (Gale)

Officer’s Comments: Jamila Fayad, a newcomer to the Young Defenders, has shown both enthusiasm and a genuine commitment to using her abilities for the greater good. Her sweet demeanor and earnest approach are refreshing. She has already had her power for a year, and is being registered as a prerequisite to her formal induction into the Young Defenders She effectively uses her wind control in a variety of simulated scenarios, showing a creative and tactical mindset. A thorough background check, including NSRA postcognitive analysis, confirms her clean record with no ties to any extremist groups. Her family background and Muslim faith appear to be a source of strength and moral grounding for her. She is a promising young hero with a bright future ahead.
-Officer Patel

Officer’s Comments: In her second year with the Young Defenders, Jamila continues to impress with her dedication and growth. She remains deeply invested in her role, often going above and beyond in training and patrols. Her ability to integrate her powers tactically with her team showcases a maturity beyond her years. Jamila’s empathetic nature and strong ethical values, rooted in her family and faith, shine through in her interactions and decision-making.
-Officer Patel

Interviewing Officer: Carla Patel
Date: April 11th, 2023

Civilian Clerk: Mark Simmons
Date: April 11th, 2023

Confidential Report: Power Assessment of Jamila Fayad (Gale)
Assessment Agent: Dr. Leonard Harris
Date: May 2023

I. Introduction:
This report offers a detailed assessment of Jamila Fayad, known by her alias Gale, a member of the Young Defenders. The objective is to comprehensively analyze her wind control abilities, focusing on the mechanics, scope, and limitations of her powers.

II. Power Overview:
Gale possesses the unique ability to manipulate and control “a volume of air”. She requires initially moving air to start, which she often initiates using a hand fan or, more recently, a small battery powered fan. Her control extends to a maximum volume of air sufficient to lift approximately 330 lbs in ideal conditions, about the combined weight of two average adults.

III. Mechanics and Functionalities:

  1. Power Initiation: Gale’s ability to control wind necessitates an initial movement of air of around 1.5 m/s, which she often initiates using a small battery powered fan clipped to her belt. This initial movement is crucial for her to begin manipulating the wind, and can be used to “pull” nearby air into her wind currents at speed. She cannot control still, unmoving air.
  2. Control Range: Her control over the wind extends to a maximum range of approximately 81 meters. The maximum wind speed she is capable of controlling decreases linearly with distance, only capable of speeds of around 2.5 m/s at the edge of her range.
  3. Maximum Air Velocity: Gale is capable of generating wind speeds of up to 75 MPH (12 on the Beaufort scale) in her immediate vicinity (< 2 inches from the surface of her skin), with her typical usage range limiting her to a functional maximum velocity of about 60 MPH (10 on the Beaufort scale).
  4. Air Volume Control: She can manipulate a substantial volume of air, with a maximum of approximately 65 cubic meters, which is sufficient to lift her and an additional passenger in close proximity. Her control is not evenly distributed along her range, and is most effective as vertical “columns” or “cylinders” of swirling wind.
  5. Directional Control: Gale exhibits a high degree of precision in directing wind currents, especially effective within a 20-meter radius of her position. Her control precision gradually decreases with distance.
  6. Creation of Wind Phenomena: Gale is capable of creating and sustaining air vortices with diameters of up to 2 meters. She can create and sustain two vortices at a time, and has indicated that her ability to concentrate on more complex phenomena such as vortices relies on her hands – thus, one per hand. Gale is also capable of replicating, on a small scale, wind-based meteorological phenomena such as squalls and downbursts, but her control does not extend to air pressure, temperature, or humidity, only wind speed and direction.
  7. Disengagement Time: Immediate cessation of wind control upon decision, with wind speeds returning to ambient conditions within 2-3 seconds.

IV. Limitations:

  1. Initiation Requirement: Gale’s power is dependent on the presence of moving air; still air limits her ability to initiate wind control.
  2. Control Boundaries: Her effectiveness in manipulating wind diminishes in complex environments, such as highly cluttered or enclosed spaces, and at greater distances. Her powers are most effective outdoors.
  3. Physical Strain: Extended use of her powers can lead to fatigue, similar to the effects of moderate-intensity physical activity, limiting the duration of her power usage. Testing has shown a functional upper limit of approximately 30 minutes of continuous usage before fatigue overtakes her ability to sustain her winds.
  4. Concentration Dependency: Her ability to control wind is closely tied to her level of concentration. Distractions or divided attention can significantly reduce her control effectiveness.

V. Tactical Applications:

  1. Enhanced Mobility: Gale uses her wind control for enhanced mobility, leveraging it for rapid movement, evasive maneuvers, and even aerial positioning when necessary.
  2. Combat Strategy: In combat situations, she employs wind strategically to disrupt opponents, create diversions, provide protective barriers for herself and her allies, and direct projectiles from unconventional angles.
  3. Rescue and Support: Gale’s abilities are particularly valuable in rescue operations, where she can use wind to clear debris, create safe passages, or assist in the evacuation of individuals in dangerous situations.

VI. Recommendations:

  1. Control Precision Training: Further training to enhance Gale’s skill in manipulating wind, especially under variable environmental conditions, will significantly boost her operational efficacy.
  2. Physical Conditioning: Improving her physical fitness will increase her endurance and capacity to use her powers over longer periods and in more demanding scenarios. It is also possible that increasing her physical conditioning may allow her to move larger volumes of air, or move air at faster speeds.
  3. Focus Improvement Techniques: Developing techniques to maintain and enhance her concentration, especially during high-stress and complex situations, will ensure more consistent control of her powers.
  4. Collaborative Training: Engaging in coordinated exercises with other metahumans, focusing on combining her abilities with others, will enhance her teamwork capabilities and allow for innovative tactical applications.

VII. Conclusion:
Gale’s wind control powers offer significant versatility and utility. Her current mastery level, combined with potential areas for growth, suggests a promising trajectory in her role as a superhero. Her abilities, while having certain limitations, provide her team with strategic advantages in various operational scenarios. Continued development and training will further enhance her effectiveness and adaptability in the field.

Dr. Leonard Harris
Specialist in Metahuman Power Assessment for the National Superhuman Response Agency

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