Superhuman Entity Report: Akilah “Puppeteer” Washington

PERKS Assessment: “Puppeteer”
Classified Level: Confidential

I. Power Classification

Create: Telekinetic Strings
Code: C6/SONIE/P/B
Rationale: Puppeteer possesses the unique ability to create telekinetic ‘strings’ from her fingertips, classified under ‘Create’. These strings can attach to and manipulate objects within a block-sized radius, showcasing significant utility in combat and mobility. The power affects all categories arbitrarily without restriction (SONIE), is physical (P) in terms of interaction with the environment, and has a block-sized range (B).

II. Power Ranking
Puppeteer’s telekinetic strings offer a versatile and potent set of capabilities. Her adept use of these strings for mobility, offense, and defense positions her as a highly effective member of the Young Defenders. The indestructible nature of the strings further enhances her operational effectiveness in various scenarios.

III. Control Rating
Control: 9/10
Puppeteer exhibits remarkable control over her telekinetic strings. Her background as a gymnast provides her with the agility and spatial awareness necessary to use her powers effectively. The precision with which she manipulates the strings for movement and combat reflects a high degree of mastery over her ability.

IV. Hostility Rating
Hostility: 2/10
As a member of the Young Defenders, Puppeteer demonstrates a strong commitment to protection and justice. Her use of powers is primarily defensive, aimed at subduing threats and aiding allies. She exhibits restraint in using her powers, avoiding unnecessary harm.

V. Collateral Damage Potential
Collateral Damage: 2/10
The nature of Puppeteer’s powers, focused on precision manipulation and mobility, minimizes the risk of collateral damage. Her ability to control the strings’ interaction with the environment allows for a careful approach, reducing unintended consequences during operations.

VI. Overall Threat Level
Threat Level: 3/10
Considering Puppeteer’s power ranking, high control, low hostility, and minimal collateral damage potential, she is assigned a low overall threat level. Her responsible use of powers, combined with her leadership role, indicates an individual who poses minimal risk to public safety and is an asset to her team and community.

PERKS Assessment Comments for Akilah Washington (Puppeteer)

Officer’s Comments: Akilah Washington, operating under the alias ‘Puppeteer’, showcases a commendable sense of responsibility and an eagerness to make positive use of her abilities. Despite her young age, she has taken up a second-in-command role within the Young Defenders, which she has recently joined on the recommendation of Liberty Belle. Her actions reflect a good heart and a strong desire to contribute positively to her community. Puppeteer has quickly adapted to the superhero lifestyle, showing promise in both her skills and ethical conduct.
-Officer M. Reynolds

Officer’s Comments: In her second year as Puppeteer, Akilah has further honed her abilities, demonstrating increased proficiency and control. Since the graduation of the prior leader, Labyrinth, Akilah has ascended to the position of field leader. She manages the Young Defenders effectively, balancing the demands of her role with her personal life admirably. Her commitment to justice and community safety is evident in her actions. No significant incidents or complaints have been reported. She has continued to maintain a positive and cooperative relationship with local law enforcement.

Given that she is now of age, I have approved the modification of her JLUMA to a proper LUMA. We’ll see her again in two years.
-Officer M. Reynolds

Officer’s Comments: This year, Akilah made the difficult decision to step down from her position as the leader of the Young Defenders, citing mental health concerns and personality incompatibilities. It is commendable that she recognizes the importance of her well-being and is taking steps to address it. Despite stepping down from her leadership role, she continues to contribute effectively to the team and remains a valued member. Her decision demonstrates a level of self-awareness and responsibility that is exemplary.
-Officer M. Reynolds

Interviewing Officer: Michael Reynolds
Date: December 15th, 2023

Civilian Clerk: Jennifer Lang
Date: December 15th, 2023

Confidential Report: Power Assessment of Akilah Washington (Puppeteer)
Assessment Agent: Dr. Leonard Harris
Date: July 17, 2021

Subject: Detailed Analysis of Puppeteer’s Telekinetic String Powers

I. Introduction:
This report provides a comprehensive assessment of the metahuman abilities of Akilah Washington, known as Puppeteer, a member of the Young Defenders. The focus is on understanding the functional mechanics, limitations, and specifics of her primary power: the creation of telekinetic strings.

II. Power Overview:
Puppeteer possesses the ability to create up to ten telekinetic ‘strings’ of force from her fingertips, invisible but detectable as a slight shimmer in the air, and approximately the thickness of a pencil.

III. Mechanics and Functionalities:

  1. String Projection Speed: Puppeteer’s strings, when extended from her fingertips, appear to do so at speed of roughly 200 meters/second as measured by high speed camera. Upon impaction, they impart a very slight, arbitrary force of around 3 N in the direction of travel.
  2. String Durability and Resistance: Puppeteer’s strings have approximately the tensile strength of steel cable, and are non-conductive to heat or electricity. With enough force (> 50,000 PSI), Puppeteer’s strings can be “sheared”, which produces an “extremely unpleasant sensation”.
  3. Length and Range: Puppeteer can extend her strings to a maximum range of 112 meters in clear conditions. She requires a line of sight to her targeted attachment point, and guides projected strings with her eyesight. The strings maintain their tensile strength and control throughout their entire length.
  4. Manipulation and Control: Puppeteer can manipulate each string individually, showcasing a high degree of precision. She can retract the strings into her fingers, effectively pulling objects towards her or propelling herself towards larger objects. This retraction is generally much slower than her projection, and operates on Puppeteer’s own physical strength, producing variable speeds. A string that is not attached at an anchor point retracts at the same speed it is projected at, roughly 200 m/s.
  5. Slack: Slack in the strings can be manipulated by approaching or retreating from a targeted point without retracting the strings themselves. Using this, Puppeteer is capable of creating loops and knots in her strings.
  6. Force Exertion: The pulling force exerted by the strings is equivalent to Puppeteer’s normal physical strength. This means she cannot move objects heavier than what she could physically pull or lift. However, her ability to apply this force at a distance significantly enhances her operational capacity.
  7. Sensory Feedback: Puppeteer receives tactile feedback through her strings, allowing her to ‘feel’ the objects they are attached to. This feedback is vital for precise control but can be overwhelming if too many complex sensations are experienced simultaneously.

IV. Limitations:

  1. Physical Strain: Extended or intensive use of her strings can lead to physical strain, similar to the exertion experienced in rigorous physical activities.
  2. Mental Concentration: Puppeteer requires significant concentration to maintain control over her strings, especially when manipulating multiple strings in complex patterns.
  3. Visibility and Detection: While generally invisible, the strings can be detected by their shimmering effect, especially against certain backgrounds or in specific lighting conditions. Environmental conditions such as airborne dust or smoke also allow her strings to be more easily seen.
  4. Environmental Factors: Certain environments can impact the effectiveness of Puppeteer’s strings. For example, highly chaotic environments with multiple moving objects can make it challenging to target or control the strings accurately, and attaching to objects that are heavy and mobile such as cars or trucks can drag Puppeteer along with them unwillingly.

V. Tactical Applications:

  1. Mobility and Acrobatics: Utilizing her background in gymnastics, Puppeteer employs her strings for enhanced mobility, including rappelling, grappling, and swift traversal of urban environments.
  2. Combat Utility: Puppeteer uses her strings as extended limbs, enabling her to engage opponents at a distance, entangle objects, or create barriers. She is capable of utilizing small objects in her vicinity as impromptu meteor hammers, and has expressed knowledge of how to utilize her strings as a garrote.
  3. Rescue Operations: Her ability to manipulate objects from a distance has proven valuable in rescue scenarios, allowing her to safely interact with hazardous environments or reach inaccessible areas.

VI. Recommendations:

  1. Training in Precision Control: Continued training to enhance her fine control over each string, especially in complex or rapidly changing environments.
  2. Physical Conditioning: Regular physical conditioning to improve endurance and reduce strain from extended use of her abilities.
  3. Mental Focus Techniques: Development of techniques to maintain concentration over extended periods, possibly incorporating meditation or other mental discipline practices.
  4. Collaborative Exercises: Engagement in team exercises to refine cooperative strategies that maximize the tactical benefits of her abilities.

VII. Conclusion:
Puppeteer’s telekinetic string abilities offer a unique and versatile skill set, with significant applications in various operational scenarios. While there are inherent limitations and challenges, her current mastery and potential for growth suggest a high ceiling for future development and effectiveness in her role as a superhero.

Dr. Leonard Harris
Specialist in Metahuman Power Assessment for the National Superhuman Response Agency

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