Superhuman Anatomy


Case #: SH-2024-0623
Date of Autopsy: June 23, 2024
Decedent: Michael Thompson (Codename: “Goliath”)
Age: 35
Known Powers: Super Strength
Circumstances of Death: Died of apparent natural causes at his residence.

Michael Thompson, known by the codename “Goliath,” was a registered superhuman with the power of super strength. He was found deceased in his apartment on June 22, 2024, by a concerned neighbor who hadn’t seen him for several days. Thompson had a history of working as a licensed hero, assisting local law enforcement and emergency services. The purpose of this autopsy is to determine the cause of death and to investigate the physiological adaptations and potential toll of his super strength.

The body is that of a heavily muscular male, with a height of 6’7″ and an estimated weight of 375 pounds. The decedent’s musculature is extraordinarily well-developed, with muscle fibers that feel unusually dense to the touch. The skin bears numerous scars, some of which appear to be from old combat injuries, while others resemble stretch marks, likely due to rapid muscle growth. The hands are heavily calloused, and the knuckles show signs of repeated trauma. The skeleton appears to be significantly more robust than that of an average human, with visible thickening of the long bones and joints.

Skeletal System:
Upon examining the bones, it becomes clear that they have adapted to withstand immense forces. The cortical bone is significantly thicker than normal, and the trabecular bone has a unique, reinforced lattice structure. Numerous healed microfractures and stress fractures are evident throughout the skeleton, particularly in the load-bearing bones such as the femurs, vertebrae, and pelvis. The joint spaces are narrowed, and the articular cartilage shows signs of accelerated wear.

Muscular System:
The muscle fibers are unlike any I have seen before. They are incredibly dense, with a unique arrangement of myofibrils and an abundance of mitochondria. The sarcomeres appear to have a novel structure, likely allowing for greater force generation. There is evidence of extensive micro-tearing and rapid healing throughout the musculature, with some older scar tissue present. The tendons and ligaments are thickened and reinforced, resembling those of a much larger animal.

Cardiovascular System:
The heart is hypertrophied, weighing nearly twice that of an average adult male. The myocardium is thickened, particularly in the left ventricle, and the heart valves are enlarged and reinforced. The coronary arteries are wider than normal, with thickened walls to accommodate increased blood flow. The aorta and other major blood vessels are similarly enlarged and reinforced. There are signs of mild atherosclerosis and some focal areas of fibrosis in the heart muscle.

Respiratory System:
The lungs are remarkably large, with an increased number of alveoli and enhanced elastic recoil. The diaphragm is thickened and has a greater surface area for attachment, likely to generate more forceful contractions. The intercostal muscles are also hypertrophied, and the rib cage appears denser and more robust than normal. Microscopic examination reveals signs of chronic inflammation and oxidative stress in the lung tissue.

Other Organ Systems:
The liver, kidneys, and spleen are all enlarged, with evidence of increased metabolic activity and cellular turnover. The cells in these organs have a higher concentration of mitochondria and specialized enzymes, likely to support the increased energy demands of the decedent’s powers. The gastrointestinal tract has thickened walls and shows signs of increased absorption capacity. The endocrine glands, particularly the adrenal glands and thyroid, are hyperplastic and show evidence of chronic stimulation.

The extensive physiological adaptations found in Michael Thompson’s body paint a picture of an organism pushed to its limits. The skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems have all undergone significant modifications to support his immense strength. However, these adaptations appear to have come at a great cost to his overall health and longevity.

The chronic inflammation, fibrosis, and cellular damage observed in multiple organ systems suggest that Thompson’s powers placed a tremendous strain on his body over time. The accelerated wear on his joints and the evidence of repeated micro-traumas indicate that his body was constantly struggling to keep up with the demands of his abilities.

While the exact cause of death remains unclear pending further laboratory analysis, it is likely that the cumulative stress of his powers contributed to his premature demise via multiple organ failure. This case serves as a sobering reminder of the potential risks associated with superhuman abilities and underscores the need for greater understanding and specialized care for individuals with powers.

As a medical examiner, I have seen many unusual and disturbing cases, but the extent of the adaptations in Michael Thompson’s body is truly unprecedented. It is both awe-inspiring and deeply unsettling to witness the lengths to which the human body can transform itself, and the price it may pay in the process.

Further research into the long-term effects of superhuman powers on health and longevity is crucial, as is the development of tailored medical interventions to support the unique needs of this population. We must strive to better understand and care for these individuals, not only for their own well-being but for the benefit of society as a whole.

Dr. Samantha Nguyen
Chief Medical Examiner

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