US Fashion History, 2000-2023


Men’s Fashion: At the turn of the millennium, men’s fashion was heavily influenced by the rising popularity of nu metal, with fans donning chunky boots, baggy jeans, and oversized graphic band t-shirts. Skater looks remained popular, with brands like Vans and Element seeing widespread wear. In the business world, dark colors reigned supreme, with a resurgence of classic tailoring.

Women’s Fashion: The early 2000s saw women embracing ultra-low jeans, crop tops, and visible thongs, a trend known as the “whale tail”. Decorative bra straps also gained in popularity. Additionally, 1950s formal wear became the style of choice for young girls on special occasions. The era saw an influx of glitter and rhinestones, primarily worn by teenagers and young women.

Unisex Trends: Hoodies became a mainstay for both men and women. Tribal tattoos saw a surge in popularity. Meanwhile, sweatpants, Ugg boots, and Crocs entered the casual wear scene.

Superhuman Fashion: Early superhuman fashion was essentially a do-it-yourself endeavor. Superheroes often relied on sports equipment and costumes, while villains might utilize intimidating apparel, like leather jackets or trench coats. Some tried to emulate their favorite comic book heroes, while others crafted a unique style.


Men’s Fashion: The mid-2000s continued to see the dominance of the nu metal look among younger men, but the “geek chic” trend also began to emerge, particularly among college students and fans of series like Doctor Who. In contrast to the aggressive, rebellious aesthetic of the nu metal crowd, geek chic played up the appeal of the socially awkward and intelligent, with items like thick-framed glasses and graphic t-shirts featuring nerdy in-jokes.

Women’s Fashion: The rising hemlines and lower waistlines continued, with visible bra straps and lower back tattoos gaining in popularity. Additionally, leggings under skirts became a staple among teenage girls, initially to bypass school dress code restrictions but soon becoming a trend in its own right.

Unisex Trends: Skinny jeans started to gain traction, particularly among the more indie and emo crowds, marking a transition from the ultra-baggy pants of the early 2000s. Fun T-Shirts also made a comeback, with various popular designs capturing the cultural zeitgeist.

Superhuman Fashion: Superhuman fashion began to grow more distinct, with some superhumans starting to design their own outfits that reflected their personal aesthetic and powers. However, the DIY ethos still largely prevailed, and the superhuman community continued to show a clear divide between those who favored practicality and those who wanted to make a statement.


Men’s Fashion: The Tom Morello look took off in this period, with men across the country adopting the baseball cap, bandana, and tee look. This trend further fueled the popularity of band t-shirts and spurred an increased interest in politically charged fashion. Meanwhile, the emo subculture remained strong, influencing men’s fashion with tighter jeans, layered haircuts, and darker color palettes.

Women’s Fashion: Women’s fashion continued to see the dominance of low-rise jeans and crop tops, but with the increased influence of French house music, there was a move towards a more chic, sophisticated look, with high-waisted pants, flared skirts, and statement accessories becoming more popular. This trend was particularly noticeable in clubwear.

Unisex Trends: The popularity of plaid flannel shirts skyrocketed during this time, adopted by both men and women. Skater brand shoes remained a popular choice for casual wear among young people.

Superhuman Fashion: With the increased visibility and popularity of superhumans, they began to play a larger role in setting fashion trends. Some superheroes and villains started to gain a following for their unique styles, from those who leaned into the comic-book aesthetics to those who prioritized functionality. However, professional costume design remained limited, with most superhumans relying on modified everyday wear or sports equipment.


Men’s Fashion: The influence of French house music and the continuing popularity of Tom Morello’s look led to a hybrid style. Graphic tees featuring band logos were paired with slim jeans and leather jackets, a nod to the rugged, indestructible aesthetic of consumer electronics. The “rugged chic” trend carried over to hairstyles, with men opting for tousled, unkempt looks.

Women’s Fashion: With the growing popularity of French house music, fashion saw a move towards a chic, sophisticated look. Women’s clothing began to adopt stronger lines and more structured silhouettes, with high-waisted pants, cinched waists, and peplum tops becoming more popular. Retro-inspired pieces like flared skirts also saw a resurgence.

Unisex Trends: In unisex trends, the rugged aesthetic of consumer electronics also made its mark. Watches, bracelets, and accessories with a “built to last” style became highly popular. The move towards a more indestructible aesthetic also saw a return to boots and sturdy footwear. Skinny jeans continued to gain popularity, along with fun graphic tees and hoodies.

Superhuman Fashion: As superheroes became more ingrained in the societal framework, they began to adopt more professionally designed outfits. Those with government backing or high-profile sponsorships were seen in gear that was more akin to military equipment than the DIY costumes of the past. However, for many superhumans, practicality still took precedence, and homemade or modified costumes remained common.


Men’s Fashion: The rugged aesthetic continued to dominate men’s fashion, with emphasis on functional clothing with a stylish edge. Leather jackets, combat boots, and cargo pants became wardrobe staples. Hairstyles remained casual and tousled, and facial hair became more popular, with the scruffy beard becoming a fashionable look.

Women’s Fashion: Women’s fashion continued to evolve towards a chic, sophisticated look. Structured dresses, statement blouses, and high-waisted pants became mainstream. However, there was also a rise in the popularity of retro and vintage-inspired pieces, with a nod towards the elegance and glamour of the past.

Unisex Trends: For unisex fashion, there was an emphasis on functional yet fashionable clothing. The rugged aesthetic continued to dominate, with sturdy boots, military-style jackets, and durable accessories becoming trendy. Flannel shirts remained popular, and there was a resurgence in the popularity of vintage graphic tees.

Superhuman Fashion: With the opening of the first dedicated clothier for superhumans, their fashion began to shift towards more professional and thoughtful designs. These outfits were designed to work with a superhuman’s powers and often incorporated military-grade materials. However, the market for such gear was still small, and many superhumans continued to use DIY costumes.


Men’s Fashion: Men’s fashion continued to balance between ruggedness and style. Cargo pants began to be replaced with slimmer, tailored trousers, while leather jackets remained a wardrobe staple. Men’s hairstyles began to become more refined, with short, well-groomed styles becoming more popular.

Women’s Fashion: Women’s fashion saw the rise of minimalism, with simple, clean lines and a restrained color palette becoming popular. Silhouettes became more streamlined, and there was a shift towards classic, timeless pieces rather than fast fashion trends.

Unisex Trends: Unisex trends saw the continued popularity of the rugged aesthetic. However, there was a shift towards more refined and durable pieces, with quality and longevity becoming more important. Sweatpants, Ugg boots, and Crocs began to fall out of favor, replaced by more tailored, well-fitted pieces.

Superhuman Fashion: With the establishment of clothiers for superhumans, their fashion began to evolve rapidly. These outfits were often designed to enhance or work with a superhuman’s powers, and they became symbols of their identities. Superheroes and villains alike began to experiment with more distinctive looks, incorporating both mainstream fashion trends and their own unique aesthetics.


Men’s Fashion: Men’s fashion saw a resurgence of elegance and refinement, influenced by the roaring 20s inspiration. Tailored suits, high-waisted trousers, and waistcoats came back into vogue. Meanwhile, the consumer tech aesthetic influenced more casual wear, leading to a preference for durable materials and practical design. The result was a blend of classic elegance and contemporary ruggedness. Hairstyles varied widely, with both sleek, well-groomed styles and long, unkempt looks being popular.

Women’s Fashion: Women’s fashion also took a cue from the roaring 20s, leading to a rise in flapper-inspired styles like drop-waist dresses and beaded accessories. However, the tech ruggedness influence also meant that durable, practical clothing became increasingly popular. This led to the emergence of a unique style that combined the glamour and elegance of the 20s with the rugged, practical aesthetic of the tech-inspired trend.

Unisex Trends: Unisex fashion saw a move towards quality, durable clothing that also incorporated vintage-inspired elements. Military-style boots and jackets remained popular, while clothing began to incorporate more durable, tech-inspired materials. 20s-inspired accessories, like pocket watches and beaded necklaces, also became trendy.

Superhuman Fashion: Superhuman fashion at this point began to diversify significantly. Some opted for sleek, professionally designed outfits that made a statement, while others stuck to practical, rugged costumes that suited their powers. The increasing visibility of superhumans in society led to a greater acceptance and integration of their unique styles into mainstream fashion.

2021-2023 (Present Day)

Men’s Fashion: With the emergence of the rap movement, streetwear became a significant influence on men’s fashion. High-top sneakers, oversized shirts, and bucket hats became popular. Meanwhile, the Covid-19 pandemic led to the widespread adoption of masks, which became a fashion statement in their own right. Many men incorporated masks into their everyday outfits, often choosing designs that reflected their personal style or paid homage to their favorite superheroes.

Women’s Fashion: Women’s fashion saw a similar influence of streetwear, with baggy jeans, crop tops, and chunky sneakers becoming trendy. Masks also became a fashionable accessory, often adorned with rhinestones or featuring unique patterns. The influence of superhuman fashion led to a trend of bold, statement pieces, with many women incorporating elements of their favorite superhero’s style into their outfits.

Unisex Trends: Unisex trends in this period saw a combination of streetwear, roaring 20s influences, and the rugged tech aesthetic. Practical, durable clothing remained popular, while streetwear introduced a more relaxed, casual element. The mask became a ubiquitous accessory, often used as a way to express personal style or make a statement.

Superhuman Fashion: In the world of superhuman fashion, the past few years have seen a move towards more distinct, iconic looks. Many superheroes and villains have professional designers creating their outfits, leading to an increase in the sophistication and complexity of superhuman attire. The pandemic has had little impact on superhuman fashion, as masks and other protective gear were already a common element of their outfits. The emerging rap movement has also influenced superhuman fashion, with some heroes and villains incorporating elements of streetwear into their outfits.

Adolescent Fashion, 2023

Teenagers and children have always had a unique fashion sense that often diverges from adult trends, often with more emphasis on comfort, uniqueness, and statement-making. This is especially true in this alternate 2023 where pop culture, the rise of streetwear, and the influence of superhumans significantly shape adolescent style.

Teen Boys: The mainstream adoption of streetwear has significantly influenced the wardrobe of teen boys. Oversized graphic tees, often showcasing their favorite superheroes, bands, or rap lyrics, are popular. Skateboarding culture also continues to have a significant influence, with skate brand shoes and hoodies remaining trendy. Given the superhero influence, it’s not uncommon to see accessories that mimic the gear of popular superhumans.

Teen Girls: Teen girls are mixing and matching elements from various influences. Streetwear elements, such as oversized sweatshirts, baggy pants, and chunky sneakers, are often paired with 20s-inspired accessories like beaded necklaces and headbands. Crop tops remain popular but are often combined with high-waisted, rugged jeans inspired by the tech aesthetic. Again, clothing items or accessories that are nods to popular superhuman fashion can often be seen.

Unisex Trends: Adolescents across the spectrum are adopting comfortable, practical, and bold streetwear. Band and superhero-inspired graphic tees, oversized flannel shirts, ripped jeans, and cargo pants are all common. Masks have become a critical accessory, with teenagers choosing designs that are expressive, colorful, or connected to their favorite pop culture figures. In some ways, this has also served as an equalizer, blurring gender lines in fashion and encouraging individuality.

Influence of Superhumans: Superheroes and even some charismatic villains have become style icons for the younger generation. The adolescent market has seen a surge in superhero or superhuman-themed apparel, ranging from graphic t-shirts and hoodies to backpacks and sneakers. Some teens even try to mimic the looks of their favorite heroes, which vary widely depending on the local superhuman scene.

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